
Archive for May, 2016

Roman Africa


Roman Africa, circa 125. Click to enlarge.

Roman Africa (-146 to +439) was the African part of the Western Roman Empire. The continent was named after it, not the other way round.

  • When: the years -146 to +439
  • Where: the northern coast of the present-day countries of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and western Libya.
  • Population: 3 to 4 million.
  • Major cities: Carthage, Hippo Regius.
  • Languages: Latin, Punic (Carthaginian), Berber languages.
  • Religions: Berber, Punic, Roman and, especially after +200, Christian (Catholic, Donatist).
  • Exports: mainly wheat and olive oil. Also wine, pottery, fish sauce, dyes, citrus wood (for furniture) and, till they died out, elephants. From the across the desert: slaves, ostrich feathers, jewels and wild animals, like lions and leopards.
  • Famous sons and daughters: Augustine, Terence, Suetonius, Apuleius, Septimius Severus (emperor), Pope Victor I, Tertullian, Cyprian, Sts Perpetua and Felicity.

Roman Africa was the breadbasket of Rome, feeding it eight months out of the year. Rome became even more dependent in the 300s with the rise of Constantinople, which took the lion’s share of the grain from Egypt.

For hundreds of years Africa was one of the more peaceful and prosperous corners of the empire. But then in 429 came German barbarians, the Vandals. Roman Africa had only one legion, which was itself largely German. Even worse, its forts were strung out along the south to deal with Berber raids, not along the north to defend against an invasion from the sea. In 439 Carthage fell.

In 533, the Byzantine Empire made short work of the Vandals and took back much of Roman Africa, but Byzantine taxes proved to be crushing. By 705 all of Roman Africa had fallen to the Moors (Arab and Berber Muslims), who then went on to take over Spain. In the 700s, Latin and Christianity began to die out.

Roman African culture was created by three waves of people: the Berbers, who were there by -8,000, the Phoenicians (Punics) after -814, bringing elements of Greek and Egyptian culture, and the Romans, who came after -146. Their cultures and peoples mixed together, but not thoroughly. By +400, in Augustine’s time, the cities were largely Roman, the countryside still noticeably Punic and the grasslands and desert to the south were heavily Berber: the Mauri, Gaetuli, Musulamii and Garamantes. Augustine himself had a Berber mother and a Roman father.

Land: After Rome won the Punic Wars in -146 it destroyed Carthage (later to be rebuilt) and took land from those who had fought against it. Some Punic towns had fought on the side of Rome. Rome left those alone. Then, over the next 200 years, Rome took over the rest of African coast, pushing Berbers off their land. All of that land – from the Punic Wars and the Berber wars – went to Romans. Some went to colonists, but much of it went to the emperor and the Roman aristocracy. They held their land in the form of vast estates, worked by colonists and slaves.

Colonists were free men, mostly retired soldiers who were given land for their military service and to act as a military reserve.


The ruins of Thamugadi (Timgad, Algeria), the town of a Roman military outpost that defended the empire against Berbers, now a UNESCO World Heritage site.


Ruins of Madauros, near Mdaourouch, Algeria, where Apuleius was born and Augustine went to school. Click to enlarge.

– Abagond, 2016.

Sources: “The UNESCO General History of Africa”, Volume II (Abridged, 1990); “The Penguin Atlas of African History” (1995) by Colin McEvedy; “Selected Letters” (429) by Augustine; “Augustine” (2005) by James J. O’Donnell; “428 AD” (2009) by Giusto Traina; “The Oxford Companion to Classical Civilization” (1998) edited by Simon Hornblower and Antony Spawforth. 

See also:


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Erykah Badu


Erica Wright (1971- ), also known as Medulla Oblongata, also known as Sara Bellum, also known as Annie, also known as Analog Girl In A Digital World, also known as Maria Mexico, also known as Lowdown Loretta Brown, also known as Humdi Lila + Allah + Jehova + Yaweh Dios Ma’ad + Jah Rastafara + Fyah + Dance + Sex + Music + Hip-Hop, also known as Erykah Badoula, also known as Erykah Badu, is an American midwife of babies and song.

erykah-badu-5Her top-ten hits on the US R&B charts as lead singer:

  • 1996: On & On (#1)
  • 1997: Next Lifetime (#1)
  • 2000: Bag Lady (#1)
  • 2002: Love of My Life (An Ode to Hip-Hop) (#1)

“Tyrone” (1997) never charted.

Her music has been called neo-soul. She has been called one of the Soulquarians. But to try to put her in a box is like trying to put the wind in a box. Part of her charm is that she does not sound like everyone else, that she does not march in formation.

That said, her music is rooted in soul music (Chaka Khan, Marvin Gaye, Steve Wonder, etc) and jazz (especially Billie Holiday), yet is informed by hip hop – she started out as a rapper in high school, not a singer.

She was born in Dallas, Texas under the sign of Pisces. Her mother and grandmother supported her interest in the arts. By high school she was already “weird”, but she saw that as a good thing. Thank God. At high school and university, she studied not music but theatre and dance. But her cousin, Free Bradford, studied music production and helped to shape her sound, enough to get her (but not him!) a record deal.


Albums: She came to  New York and made her first album, “Baduizm” (1997). It was a big hit. None of her albums since have come close to it in sales, even though she considers “Mama’s Gun” (2000) the better album. These days she lives in Dallas and rarely works on albums: partly because she can make better money from concerts, partly because her children are still young.


Children: She has three children by three different men and has never been married:

  • 1997: Seven Sirius Benjamin (father: Andre Benjamin)
  • 2004: Puma Sabti Curry (father: Tracy Curry, aka The D.O.C.)
  • 2009: Mars Merkaba Thedford (father: Timothy Thedford, aka Jay Electronica)

Some say she is setting a bad example. She says:

“I’m nowhere near a single mom. I mean, I am, but the fathers are always here.”

The fathers spend much of the year in Dallas. She chose them carefully, knowing they would be good fathers. Each is a musical talent in his own right.

Rape culture: In April 2016 she caused a firestorm on Twitter when she said (as the mother of two girls):

“… if I had a school I would make sure that the uniform skirt length was a nice knee length… It is fair to everyone.”

Which to some came off as blaming girls, not boys and men, for rape and sexual assault.

– Abagond, 2016.

Sources: especially the New Yorker (2016) and Black Biography (2004).


See also:



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In 2004 this went to #13 on the US R&B charts. It reminds me of those days, the middle 2000s. It is my favourite Sean Paul song, his remake of the old Alton Ellis song.

See also:


[Sean Paul and Sasha talking]

[Sean Paul]
Well in comes di ting dem call di broken heart
This blessed love will never part
Yuh dun know it’s from the start mi tell dem seh a Dutty Yeah!!
A Sean Paul and Sasha, come sing for dem baby

Boy you make me holler
Boy you make me sweat and
I can’t get your tenderness
Still I can’t get you off my mind
What is it about you baby?
It’s the dutty dutty love

[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Well I’m a hustler and a player and you know I’m not a stayer
That’s the dutty dutty love
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Say girl, try to understand that a man is just a man
That’s the dutty dutty love
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Blessings loving from the start but you know we had to part
That’s the way I give my love
[S] I’m still in love with you…
But a man gotta do what a man gotta doo…

[Sean Paul]
Girl, well a never had to promise you no bling bling fo hold you girl
A just the loving weh me fling fling control you girl
And make you head swirl
And make you body twirl
And make you wanna be my one and only baby girl
Night after night me give you love fi keep you warm
Gal you never get this kinda love from you born
And now you want draw card say me just can’t perform

[Chorus 1]
[S] I love you baby
A true a get the little loving and me gone
[S] You don’t know how to love me
I an I nah no time fi no kiss up an charm
[S] Not even how to kiss me
A true me take you little heart by storm
[S] I don’t know why
Babygirl, Babygirl
[S] I love you baby
A just the dutty dutty love

[Chorus 2]
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Well I’m a hustler and a player and you know I’m not a stayer
That’s the dutty dutty love
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Say girl, try to understand that a man is just a man
That’s the dutty dutty love
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Blessing loving from the start but you know we had to part
That’s the way I give my love
[S] I’m still in love with you…
But a man gotta do what a man gotta doo…girl

[Sean Paul]
A true me give her tug love and say bye bye bye
Me turn around she ask the question why why why
When me leaving me see the gal cry cry cry
And it hurts my heart to tell lie lie lie
So don’t cry no more
Baby girl for sure
Just remember the good times we had before

[Chorus 1]
[S] I love you baby
A true a get the little loving and me gone
[S] You don’t know how to love me
I an I nah no time fi no kiss up an charm
[S] Not even how to kiss me
A true me take you little heart by storm
[S] I don’t know why
Babygirl, Babygirl
[S] I love you baby
A just the dutty dutty love

[Chorus 2]
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Well I’m a hustler and a player and you know I’m not a stayer
That’s the way I give my love
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Say girl, try to understand that a man is just a man
That’s the dutty dutty love
[S] I’m still in love with you boy…
Blessings loving from the start but you know we had to part
That’s the dutty dutty love

I don’t know why [x3]
I don’t know [x3]
I don’t know why
I’m still in love…

Source: A-Z Lyrics.

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Some of the more common English words and meanings in Shakespeare that are no longer common (in 2016 in the north-eastern US):

  • afore – in front.
  • alack – oh no!
  • alarum – call to arms.
  • amain – at full speed.
  • arrant – unmitigated.
  • arras – tapestry hanging.
  • assay – attempt.
  • aught – anything.
  • avaunt – go away.
  • ay – yes.
  • aye – always.
  • base – low in worth, rank, quality.
  • bawd – pimp, go-between.
  • be/shrew – curse.
  • belike – likely.
  • beseech – ask.
  • bethink – think about.
  • bootless – useless.
  • brave – excellent (like in “Bravo!”).
  • caitiff – pitiful creature.
  • chid – chided.
  • colours – battle flags.
  • commend – give kind regards to.
  • corse – corpse.
  • course – course of action.
  • coxcomb – head, especially that of a fool.
  • cozen – trick.
  • crave – request.
  • discover – make known.
  • divers – different.
  • dost – (you) do.
  • doth – does, said as “duth” or “duz”.
  • doublet – close-fitting men’s jacket (pictured at top).
  • ducat – the trade coin of Venice, with gold worth $145 (in 2016).
  • durst – dared.
  • envious – mean-hearted.
  • ere – before.
  • fain – gladly.
  • field – battlefield.
  • forbear – stop.
  • forsooth – in truth.
  • forswear – swear off of; break one’s word; deny.
  • froward – wilful.
  • gentle – well-born, honourable (like in gentleman).
  • glass – looking-glass.
  • goodman – the rank below gentleman (a landowner who had to work for a living).
  • grandam – grandmother.
  • grandsire – grandfather.
  • habit – clothing (we still say “a nun’s habit”).
  • hap – chance.
  • haply – by chance.
  • hast – (you) have.
  • hath – has.
  • heavy – sad.
  • hie – hurry.
  • holp – helped.
  • humour – mood.
  • issue – offspring, outcome.
  • jerkinjerkin – close-fitting jacket, often leather, worn by men (pictured).
  • knave – boy (like German Knabe); servant; someone who tries to fool people.
  • lief, has as – should like just as much.
  • liege – someone you owe allegience to, like a king or lord.
  • like – alike, likely.
  • livery – outfit, uniform.
  • marvellous – extreme.
  • meet – right, fit, proper.
  • mere/ly – complete/ly.
  • moe – more (in number).
  • morrow – morning.
  • murther – murder, a deadly wound.
  • naught, nought – nothing, worthless, lost, bad.
  • nuncle – mine uncle.
  • office – task, duty.
  • ope – open.
  • owe – own.
  • parle/y – have a meeting about.
  • peradventure – perhaps.
  • perchance – perhaps.
  • perforce – forced to.
  • physic – cure, what a physician gives.
  • post – postman, courier.
  • power – troops.
  • pox – venereal disease or plague.
  • present/ly – immediate/ly.
  • prithee – please.
  • puissant – powerful.
  • quoth – said.
  • recreant – faint-hearted.
  • rheum – tears; coughing; spit.
  • sad – serious.
  • scape – escape.
  • several – separate (“each a several way”).
  • sirrah – form of address for someone under one’s authority (father to son, master to servant or, mockingly, jester to king).
  • sith – since.
  • sooth – truth (as in soothsayer).
  • sport – entertainment.
  • still – constantly.
  • straight – straightaway.
  • suit – formal request (like in lawsuit).
  • swain – a hick; a young man; a lover.
  • tabortabor – a small drum, common among revellers (pictured).
  • tapster – someone who draws ale from the tap at an inn.
  • thou – you. Said to someone you are on familiar terms with (like tu in Spanish). This word and the forms it gives rise to – thee, thine, thy, thyself and verbs ending in -st (thou knowest, etc) – is the biggest single difference between Shakespeare’s English and ours.
  • troth – truth, good faith.
  • trow – know, guess, imagine.
  • visage – face.
  • voice – vote.
  • vouchsafe – allow.
  • welkin – sky.
  • wit – intelligence, good sense.
  • withal – as well.
  • wont – in the habit of.
  • wot – know.
  • ye – you, you all.
  • yon, yond – over there.

– Abagond, 2016.

Sources: mainly “Shakespeare’s Words” (2002) by David Crystal. 

See also:


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Mari Copeny


Amariyanna “Mari” Copeny (2007- ), a third-grade student from Flint, Michigan, is the current Little Miss Flint. She wants to someday become Miss America and a police officer. She is best known for writing President Obama about the Flint Water Crisis.

She says the water in Flint smells like bleach or old fish, that if you take a shower for more than two minutes you get bad rashes and stuff. She gave a speech about the crisis and made a YouTube video too. She has marched in protest and helped to give out bottled water. She appeared at the #JusticeForFlint concert.


In March 2016 she wrote President Obama:

Mr. President,

Hello my name is Mari Copeny and I’m 8 years old, I live in Flint, Michigan and I’m more commonly known around town as “Little Miss Flint”. I am one of the children that is effected by this water, and I’ve been doing my best to march in protest and to speak out for all the kids that live here in Flint. This Thursday I will be riding a bus to Washington, D.C. to watch the congressional hearings of our Governor Rick Snyder. I know this is probably an odd request but I would love for a chance to meet you or your wife. My mom said chances are you will be too busy with more important things, but there is a lot of people coming on these buses and even just a meeting from you or your wife would really lift people’s spirits. Thank you for all that do for our country. I look forward to being able to come to Washington and to be able to see Gov. Snyder in person and to be able to be in the city where you live.

Thank You
Mari Copeny

He did not reply nor did he or his wife meet with the people of Flint who came to Washington.

Then, suddenly, a month later:

The White House

April 24, 2016

Amariyanna Copeny
Flint, Michigan

Dear Mari: Thank you for writing to me. You’re right that Presidents are often busy, but the truth is, in America, there is no more important title than citizen. And I am so proud of you for using your voice to speak out on behalf of the children of Flint.

That’s why I want you to be the first to know that I’m coming to visit Flint on May 4th. I want to make sure people like you and your family are receiving the help you need and deserve. Like you, I’ll use my voice to call for change and help lift up your community.

Letters from kids like you are what make me so optimistic for the future. I hope to meet you next week, “Little Miss Flint.”

Barack Obama

Tons of people have been trying to get him to come to Flint!

After he arrived she ran into his arms.




It was sweet. It was heartbreaking.

– Abagond, 2016.

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Einstein with the children of Lincoln University Faculty, May 3rd 1946

Einstein at Lincoln University, May 3rd 1946.

In 1931, when the Scottsboro Boys were falsely accused of rape, Einstein backed a campaign to defend them.

In 1933 he fled Nazi Germany, coming to the US.

In 1937, when Princeton’s Nassau Inn would not give Marian Anderson a room because of her skin colour, he did.

In 1946 he said:

The separation of the races is not a disease of colored people, but a disease of white people. I do not intend to be quiet about it.


There is, however, a somber point in the social outlook of Americans. Their sense of equality and human dignity is mainly limited to men of white skins. Even among these there are prejudices of which I as a Jew am clearly conscious; but they are unimportant in comparison with the attitude of the “Whites” toward their fellow-citizens of darker complexion, particularly toward Negroes. The more I feel an American, the more this situation pains me. I can escape the feeling of complicity in it only by speaking out.

Many a sincere person will answer: “Our attitude towards Negroes is the result of unfavorable experiences which we have had by living side by side with Negroes in this country. They are not our equals in intelligence, sense of responsibility, reliability.”

I am firmly convinced that whoever believes this suffers from a fatal misconception. Your ancestors dragged these black people from their homes by force; and in the white man’s quest for wealth and an easy life they have been ruthlessly suppressed and exploited, degraded into slavery. The modern prejudice against Negroes is the result of the desire to maintain this unworthy condition.

The ancient Greeks also had slaves. They were not Negroes but white men who had been taken captive in war. There could be no talk of racial differences. And yet Aristotle, one of the great Greek philosophers, declared slaves inferior beings who were justly subdued and deprived of their liberty. It is clear that he was enmeshed in a traditional prejudice from which, despite his extraordinary intellect, he could not free himself. …

I believe that whoever tries to think things through honestly will soon recognize how unworthy and even fatal is the traditional bias against Negroes.

What, however, can the man of good will do to combat this deeply rooted prejudice? He must have the courage to set an example by word and deed, and must watch lest his children become influenced by this racial bias.

I do not believe there is a way in which this deeply entrenched evil can be quickly healed. But until this goal is reached there is no greater satisfaction for a just and well-meaning person than the knowledge that he has devoted his best energies to the service of the good cause.

In 1946 he joined Paul Robeson’s American Crusade Against Lynching and was therefore seen by the FBI as a friend to communists.

In 1951 he appeared in court as a character witness for W.E.B. Du Bois.

– Abagond, 2016.

Sources: Boyce Watkins (YouTube, 2016), OnBeing.org (2010), Rhapsody in Books (2010), Live Science (2015).

See also:


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Larry Wilmore and the N-word


Larry Wilmore, a Black American comedy writer, spoke at the White House Correspondents Dinner this past Saturday, April 30th 2016. After telling jokes about politicians and the news media for some 20 minutes, he gave Barack Obama, the guest of honour, his heartfelt congratulations:

“When I was a kid I lived in a country where people couldn’t accept a Black quarterback. Now think about that: A Black man was thought by his mere colour not good enough to lead a football team. And now to live in your time, Mr. President, when a Black man can lead the entire free world. Words alone do me no justice. So, Mr. President, I’m going to keep it a hundred: Yo Barry, you did it, my niggah.”

Backstage, in private, Wilmore’s words could have been a beautiful moment.

But frontstage, in front of the hyper-White audience in the room and a White-majority audience on national television, it was, at best, cringeworthy, if not worse. At least to me. I know not everyone will agree.

Full disclosure: I am one of those who think the word cannot be reclaimed in a country as racist as the US.

Larry Wilmore has written for tons of television shows. He created “The Bernie Mac Show” (2001-2006) and has his own show on Comedy Central, “The Nightly Show” (2015- ), in Stephen Colbert’s old time slot. But he is probably best known for being the Senior Black Correspondent on “The Daily Show”, a news comedy made famous by Jon Stewart. Even there Wilmore had his cringeworthy moments, walking the fine line of racist satire. You know, the kind where you know he is trying to make fun of racism, but you feel like racists are laughing at it for the wrong reasons.

Wilmore did use the affectionate conjugation, ending the N-word with an -ah instead of an -er. But it seems that was quickly lost on White people. Even the country’s foremost Beyonceologist, Piers Morgan, misquoted Wilmore using the -er ending.

Wilmore, a Black comedian, does this in front of a country where White people point to Black comedians as a reason they should be allowed to use the N-word in mixed company. And there Wilmore is, using it in mixed company. On television. Coast to coast. To the president.

And, contrary to what Black comedians have White people believing, not all Black people use the word or think it is acceptable, however affectionately conjugated.

If Hillary Clinton becomes president, will it be all right if, say, Sarah Silverman “affectionately” calls her a “bitch” on national television at a White House dinner? Or will the respect due the president’s office make that, suddenly, unacceptable?

And none of that is even the worst part. The worst part is that Wilmore did this in front of a country where, for the past eight years, many White people, like at least a third, have thought of Obama as “nothing but a n*****”. Unaffectionately conjugated.

– Abagond, 2016.

See also:


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The part of al-Idrisi’s world map showing Alexandria and its lighthouse, which still stood in 1154. South is “up”.

Muhammad al-Idrisi (c. 1100-1165), an Arab geographer, wrote the “Entertainment for He Who Longs to Travel the World” (1154), known as “Tabula Rogeriana” in Latin. In it he maps and describes the whole world as known to him in Palermo, Sicily in the month of Shawwal in the year A.H. 548 (January 1154).

He inspired Ibn Battuta, Ibn Khaldun, Piri Reis, Christopher Columbus and Vasco da Gama.

He was a Moor, most likely born in Ceuta, Morocco. He studied in Cordoba, then a great seat of learning. He travelled throughout what is now Morocco, Spain, France, Britain and Turkey.

In the early 1140s he was hired by King Roger II, Norman king of Sicily, to make a world map based on the latest knowledge. Sicily in the 1140s was a wonderful place for that: a crossroads of merchants, pilgrims and scholars, of Greek, Latin and Arabic books, a place where the Christian and Muslim worlds met – and still lived in peace.

Al-Idrisi used the best Greek, Latin and Arabic books on geography of his day:

  • Ptolemy: Geography (Greek, c. 150)
  • Orosius: History against the Pagans (Latin, 417)
  • ibn Khurradadhbih: Book of Routes and Provinces (Arabic, c. 846)
  • ibn Hawqal: Picture of the Earth (Arabic, 977)

In the West he would have had only the second book.

On top of that, the king sent out travellers to find out yet more.

Al-Idrisi assembled all these bits and pieces and put them together to make a silver map of the world in the form of a circle. Africa took up the top half of the world – because south was “up”.


Al-Idrisi’s circular world map looked something like this – except it was made of silver. South is “up”


Al-Idrisi’s world map turned upside-down for Westernized minds. Mecca is in the middle, Europe upper-left.

The map is lost, but we still have the handbook that went with it:

The “Entertainment” (1154) divides the part of the world al-Idrisi knew into a 7 x 10 grid, making 70 rectangular regions, 10 for each of the seven climatic zones. For each region, he drew a map and then wrote about what was there – its towns, cities, roads, distances, miracles, marvels, trade, people, dress, etc. Even a bit of history and politics. The map for Alexandria’s region is pictured at top.

He never meant for the 70 regional maps to be put together into a world map – he knew the Earth was round and therefore the projection would be way off – but that has not stopped people from trying:


Al-Idrisi’s 70 regional maps put together into a world map. South is “up”. Click to enlarge (18.0 Mb).


The Google World equivalent to al-Idrisi’s map. South is “up”.

He gave the circumference of the Earth as 37,000 km. Not bad – the true value is 40,075 km. Much better than Ptolemy’s 28,985 km, which Columbus used.

He knew about Europe, Asia, and Africa as far south as the present-day countries of Senegal, Mali and, on the east coast, Tanzania.

He reports that some sailors from Lisbon got lost out in the Atlantic and came across:

“people with red skin; there was not much hair on their body, the hair of their head was straight, and they were of high stature.”

He divided the world and its people by climate, not race. He said people of the tropics had furrowed feet, stinking sweat, a “lack of knowledge”, and “defective minds” – and yet somehow made the best iron!


The al-Idrisi mountains on Pluto at the edge of a frozen sea of nitrogen.

– Abagond, 2016.

Sources: mainly “A History of the World in Twelve Maps” (2012) by Jerry Brotton; “Race and Slavery in the Middle East” (1990) by Bernard Lewis; Wikipedia (2016).

See also:


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A week ago Beyonce came out with her new album, “Lemonade” (2016). The line that has been getting the most attention is from the song “Sorry”:

“He better call Becky with the good hair.”

If you see her album as being about her own life, then it seems her husband Jay-Z had an affair with said Becky. Over the past week several Beckys have been suggested – Rachel Roy, Rita Ora and Karrine Steffans.

On top of that, some said that Beyonce’s use of “Becky” was racist, others not.


Iggy Azalea:

“Do you know how many time ppl have called me BECKY? It didn’t have any kind of positive intention behind it.”

“Dont call all asian women ‘ming lee’ dont call white women ‘becky’ dont call black women ‘sha nay nay'”

“AND WE ALL KNOW ‘becky’ started because you all think white girls just go around slobbing on everyones dick.”

Stereotypes and racist disrespect should be called out, of course, but Iggy Azalea is not the best messenger: she makes her living by playing to White stereotypes about Black women and is famous for her, uh, racial insensitivity.


As to Beyonce, two of the three suspected Beckys were not even White, so her meaning is unclear. Beyonce’s racism seems to be more internalized than anything: that bit about “good” hair, meaning hair like Europeans.

That said, Becky is something of a stereotype. Very Smart Brothas:

“It’s actually easier for me to say whether a White woman would be considered a Becky than it is to explain the criteria. Hillary Clinton? Not a Becky. Natalie Portman? Not really a Becky. Taylor Swift? The Beckiest. Iggy Azelea? Darth Becky.”

beckyIt seems to go back to the song “Baby Got Back” (1992) by Sir Mix-a-Lot where one White girl says to another:

“Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt.
It is so big. [scoff]
She looks like one of those rap guys’ girlfriends.
But, you know, who understands those rap guys? [scoff]
They only talk to her, because, she looks like a total prostitute, ‘kay?
I mean, her butt, is just so big.
I can’t believe it’s just so round, it’s like, out there, I mean — gross. Look!
She’s just so… [disgust] black!”

Add to that an undertone of someone who will do what your girlfriend won’t. That was helped along by the song “Becky” (2010) by Plies – and Out-Group Women Are Easy stereotypes. Those about White women go back to at least the 1940s, if not way before.

As stereotypes go, though, it is hardly a strong one. No “Becky” has a cross burning in front of her house. No “Becky”, so far as I know, has ever lost a rape case because she faced an all-Black jury which held the stereotype.

In fact, it has been the other way round: hundreds if not thousands of Black men have been lynched and the whole town of Rosewood burned to the ground – because of the presumed virtue of White women.

– Abagond, 2016.

Sources: Very Smart Brothas, Clutch, The Daily Beast, USA Today.

See also:


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Sir Mix-a-Lot: Baby Got Back


Although Sir Mix-a-Lot was making fun of Eurocentric standards of beauty, it may have backfired: this song only went to #27 on the (largely Black) US R&B charts, but spent five weeks at #1 on the (largely White) pop charts, selling over 2 million copies. It went to #16 across the Anglosphere as a whole. This was back in 1992, well before Jennifer Lopez or Kim Kardashian helped to give big butts the White Stamp of Approval. As it turns out, Sir Mix-a-Lot says he was inspired by Jennifer Lopez herself, back when she was a dancer on “In Living Color” (1990-1994):


See also:


Oh, my, god. Becky, look at her butt.
It is so big. [scoff]
She looks like one of those rap guys’ girlfriends.
But, you know, who understands those rap guys? [scoff]
They only talk to her, because, she looks like a total prostitute, ‘kay?
I mean, her butt, is just so big.
I can’t believe it’s just so round, it’s like, out there, I mean— gross. Look!
She’s just so… black!

[Sir Mix-a-Lot]
I like big butts and I can not lie
You other brothers can’t deny
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
And a round thing in your face
You get sprung, wanna pull out your tough
‘Cause you notice that butt was stuffed
Deep in the jeans she’s wearing
I’m hooked and I can’t stop staring
Oh baby, I wanna get with you
And take your picture
My homeboys tried to warn me
But that butt you got makes me so horny
Ooh, Rump-o’-smooth-skin
You say you wanna get in my Benz?
Well, use me, use me
‘Cause you ain’t that average groupie
I’ve seen them dancin’
To hell with romancin’
She’s sweat, wet,
Got it goin’ like a turbo ‘Vette
I’m tired of magazines
Sayin’ flat butts are the thing
Take the average black man and ask him that
She gotta pack much back
So, fellas! (Yeah!) Fellas! (Yeah!)
Has your girlfriend got the butt? (Hell yeah!)
Tell ’em to shake it! (Shake it!) Shake it! (Shake it!)
Shake that healthy butt!
Baby got back!

(LA face with Oakland booty)
Baby got back!
(LA face with Oakland booty)
(LA face with Oakland booty)

[Sir Mix-a-Lot]
I like ’em round, and big
And when I’m throwin’ a gig
I just can’t help myself, I’m actin’ like an animal
Now here’s my scandal
I wanna get you home
And ugh, double-up, ugh, ugh
I ain’t talkin’ bout Playboy
‘Cause silicone parts are made for toys
I want ’em real thick and juicy
So find that juicy double
Mix-a-Lot’s in trouble
Beggin’ for a piece of that bubble
So I’m lookin’ at rock videos
Knock-kneeded bimbos walkin’ like hoes
You can have them bimbos
I’ll keep my women like Flo Jo
A word to the thick soul sisters, I wanna get with ya
I won’t cuss or hit ya
But I gotta be straight when I say I wanna *fuck*
Till the break of dawn
Baby got it goin’ on
A lot of simps won’t like this song
‘Cause them punks like to hit it and quit it
And I’d rather stay and play
‘Cause I’m long, and I’m strong
And I’m down to get the friction on
So, ladies! (Yeah!) Ladies! (Yeah)
If you wanna roll in my Mercedes (Yeah!)
Then turn around! Stick it out!
Even white boys got to shout
Baby got back!

Baby got back!
Yeah, baby… when it comes to females, Cosmo ain’t got nothin’ to do with my selection.
36-24-36? Ha ha, only if she’s 5’3″.

[Sir Mix-a-Lot]
So your girlfriend rolls a Honda, playin’ workout tapes by Fonda
But Fonda ain’t got a motor in the back of her Honda
My anaconda don’t want none
Unless you’ve got buns, hun
You can do side bends or sit-ups,
But please don’t lose that butt
Some brothers wanna play that “hard” role
And tell you that the butt ain’t gold
So they toss it and leave it
And I pull up quick to retrieve it
So Cosmo says you’re fat
Well I ain’t down with that!
‘Cause your waist is small and your curves are kickin’
And I’m thinkin’ bout stickin’
To the beanpole dames in the magazines:
You ain’t it, Miss Thing!
Give me a sister, I can’t resist her
Red beans and rice didn’t miss her
Some knucklehead tried to diss
‘Cause his girls are on my list
He had game but he chose to hit ’em
And I pull up quick to get wit ’em
So ladies, if the butt is round,
And you want a triple X throw down,
Dial 1-900-MIXALOT
And kick them nasty thoughts
Baby got back!
Baby got back!

(Little in the middle but she got much back) [4x]

Sources: A-Z Lyrics, Songfacts.

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